Who is this guy?

My photo
I am a average person in an average place. Suburbia. I pass the time away reading any book that catches my attention. Other interests include modifying software and being a props master of small plays.

27 May 2011

Painful process

Completing my final project has been like walking through a mud flat. I keep trying to run but I get nowhere. But I have finally finished and now breath a giant sigh of relief..........

24 May 2011

Status Update

I finally got Audacity to work!!!!!!! While I despise Mac computers, I will admit that they have better editing software... Audacity is a pain...

23 May 2011

Update Post!

I have decided to not develope a complete podcast, but post my audio files onto my blog and a new wiki I have made. I have concerns for the success of my ventures....

here is the new wiki------ http://chirocare.wikispaces.com/

19 May 2011

Feeling VS Functonality

I will be working on yet another podcast. Hopefully this one will be less of a flop than the last one. The topic of the podcast will be Feeling Versus Functionality. The basic information I will be working with is the basis of Chiropractic care and how one may feel fine but not be living up to his/her potential. Wish me luck...

05 May 2011

Casting of a pod

I was recently in a collaborative effort to create a perverbial masterpiece. It sadly was not what it was intentended to be... It was a total flop. 2 minutes ended up being lost and we were put on a time limit. I guess if we had managed our time better, we would have had a better end result. But alas, earwax.

         -Basil Thyme


I have not been posting lately due to... my own laziness. But her I am. I will most likely be posting every other day from here on out... I have a poll on the side.. VOTE!!!

       -Big Bad Wolf

06 April 2011


Legion is a collaborative effort hosted on the Writers-inc wiki (created by Sam Rogers and myself) and we need more writers. You can sign up with this link here. Here books are written in a very unique way. Here are the rules. One person writes a couple of sentences. And a different person adds a few more to create an epic story beyond any ones dreams. We hope to see you among the other authors. Cheers.

05 April 2011


Some one once asked me if I would be able to "unplug" from technology. I have never acquired a strong dependency and can entertain myself with other things like literature and physical activity. I do in no small part entertain myself with the interwebs and software modification. So I would be quite reluctant in my disconnection from technology. That is not to say that I would be unable to disconnect though. I guess I would be able to toss technology for an extended time.

Oh Sony...

As you may know, Sony has been on a campaign to ruin the life of Goerge Hotz, a hacker in New Jersey, because he was able to thwart the multimillion dollar security system set in place. They were able to gain access to all of his personal info like face book and Pay-Pal. A group that calls themselves Anonymous, has threatened Sony. These people ere involved in the fall of the church of Scientology and other large companies. They were also responsible for the shutting down of MasterCard and Visa's websites.